Adding Coins | Worksheets To Identify And Add
Identifying coin values and adding/counting coins is an important life skill. These fun and functional printable worksheets will give your students lots of practice identifying and manipulating various coins, to be able to add them with automaticity.
Do your students need more practice identifying and adding various coins?
Does your school system's curriculum move too quickly for some of your students?
These 6 activities will help your students get the repetition and practice they need to be able to quickly identify and add basic coins, without getting bored.
Great for young learners, special education students and ELL students.
Included please find: 162 Pages
Activity 1
- Counting Coins: Directions
- Counting Pennies
- Counting Nickels
- Counting Dimes
- Counting Quarters
Activity 2
- Coin Toss: Directions
- Penny Toss
- Nickel Toss
- Dime Toss
- Quarter Toss
Activity 3
- Add It Up: Directions
- Add 2 Coin Combinations
- Add 3 Coin Combinations
- Add 4 Coin Combinations
Activity 4
- More Than/Less Than: Directions
- More Than Less Than Work Sheets
Activity 5
- Equivalent Coins Poster: Directions
- Equivalent Coins Posters (13 Posters)
Activity 6
- Make Your Own: Directions
- Make Your Own (10 Pages)
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