Social Scripts For Older Kids | 10 One Page Stories
Are your schools currently doing Distance Learning? If so, you many find this resource particularly useful. It is easy to use by printing {black and white} or reading right on the computer screen. I hope you find these stories helpful during this challenging time.
Do you have students who could benefit from a social story but are too old for the traditional kind with lots of cartoon style graphics?
These 1 page stories are great for the upper elementary student who is having trouble understanding a variety of social skills. These stories are short and to the point and contain very few graphics so that they look more grown up.
Included Please Find: 16 Pages
SOCIAL SCRIPT 1: Staying With The Adult
SOCIAL SCRIPT 2: Playing Safely
SOCIAL SCRIPT 3: Handling Negative Peer Pressure
SOCIAL SCRIPT 4: Following The Rules
SOCIAL SCRIPT 5: Handling Bullies and Bullying
SOCIAL SCRIPT 6: Handling A Boring Moment
SOCIAL SCRIPT 7: Good Student Behavior
SOCIAL SCRIPT 8: Being Flexible
SOCIAL SCRIPT 9: Being A Good Sport
SOCIAL SCRIPT 10: Friendly vs. Mean Teasing
BONUS SCRIPT: Wearing A Masks
Invitation To The Teacher's Lounge {Free, Weekly Social Skills Resources}