It's Okay To Make Mistakes -Social Skills Story and Activities - Featuring Boys

  • $3.99

Some children have a difficult time accepting the fact that they make mistakes. They may also have a difficult time making an apology. Support the concept that Mistakes are proof you're trying, and Mistakes allow thinking to happen, with this social story. This Social Story will help students learn to accept and be more comfortable making mistakes and repairing mishaps when they happen. This will enable students to have more successful friendships by being able to say "I'm sorry" when necessary.


Stories are a great way to teach explicit social skills such as mistakes and being willing to say "I'm sorry" when necessary.


Social Skills Stories & Activities use explicit language to break down information into small, manageable steps that help children understand what they should or should not do in a given situation.


This social story is recommended for approximately K-2nd grade or ability.


Included Please Find: 53 Pages



✔️ Making Mistakes Social Story: {In Color, Featuring Males}


✔️ 2 Visuals To Support The Social Story: For How To Say You Are Sorry


✔️ Skill Builder Activity To Support The Social Story: 10 role play cards to practice saying "I'm Sorry"


✔️ Making Mistakes Coloring Book Companion: {A black and white copy of the social story great to have students color while you read and or send home for generalization}


✔️ Making Mistakes Animated PowerPoint Social Story: {Great For Online Learning!}


  • Cover Page
  • ❤️ Thank You Page
  • Invitation To The Teacher's Lounge
  • Clip Art Credit


Copyright © Socially Skilled Kids. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


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