PERSPECTIVE TAKING ACTIVITIES | Pack 2 | Predicting Other's Behavior & Being Polite

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This perspective taking pack includes 2 great activity sets; Making Good Guesses and Goofy Guesses and Polite or Not Quite

These activities are a great way to teach challenging perspective taking skills! 

They will get your students thinking and talking about others, and why it is important to do so. 

> Perspective Taking Activity: Making Good Guesses vs. Goofy Guesses

A fun way to work on perspective taking with your students. These scenario cards help students think about what they need to know in order to make good social predictions or, "Good Guesses" about social situations. Why is it important to make a "Good Guess" vs. making a "Goofy Guess?" What may happen if you make a "Goofy Guess?" Explore all of these ideas in this fun activity. 

This activity works well in small social groups and also in larger or whole class groups. Great discussions come from this activity and kids really enjoy doing it.


 Included Please Find:  57 Pages

Directions For Activity 1

  • Definitions Visual
  • 12 "Good Guess" Scenario Cards
  • 12 "Goofy Guesses" Scenario Cards
  • 2 Make Your Own Cards(With Editable Section So You Can Easily Add Your Own Text and Pictures To Individualize To Your Students)
  • Activity 1, Two Behavior Charts, (1 For Older, 1 For Younger)

Directions For Activity 2

  • 12 Scenario Cards For Activity 2
  • Activity 2 Behavior Chart


> Perspective Taking Activity: Polite or Not Quite

Fun activities that teach children to consider how their behaviors affect others around them. When is it okay to say exactly what is on your mind and when should you with hold from saying exactly how you feel in order to be polite.

This is a difficult concept for many children to grasp. Explicit teaching can help children gain a greater understanding of the need and appropriate times to be polite, vs. telling the absolute truth (or exactly what you are thinking at the moment).

Great for children with social learning challenges but also great for all children who are developing their social awareness. Kids really enjoy doing this activity!


Included Please Find:  54 Pages

3 Visuals for Vocabulary Words: Polite, Not Quite, Lying

Activity 1:

18 How Can You Be Polite: Scenario Cards~ Set 1
18 How Can You Be Polite: Scenario Cards~ Set 2

Activity 2:

4 Behavior Activity Charts {Polite or Not Quite}
24 Activity Cards 

Activity 3:

12 "Think It vs. Say It" Activity Cards

6 "Think It vs. Say It" Kid Posters

Editable Pages With Blank Cards To Make Your Own (Editable so you can easily add your own text and pictures to individualize to your students)

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