Perspective Taking Photo Activity Cards | Pack 2 | What Are They Feeling? & What Message Are They Sending?

  • $7.50

PERSPECTIVE TAKING can be challenging for some children. These children often benefit from explicit teaching of this skill.

Perspective taking is an important life skill as it helps us to GET ALONG WITH OTHERS, and ADJUST OUR BEHAVIOR when / if necessary, in order to make people feel comfortable around us. 

This bundle combines~ Perspective Taking Photo Activity Cards~ Set 3 & Set 4 

Set 3: What Are They Feeling?

These 30 PHOTO CARDS will help children practice the important perspective taking skill of understanding what others may be feeling, based on their facial expressions and body language.

Students will also be able to gain a greater understanding of why people may have different feelings, and react differently, even though they are in the same situation.

This activity will also help students identify their own emotions and what might make them feel that way. 

Photos include:

Set 1: Pictures show a close up of a child’s face. The student is asked what the child in the photo is feeling, what clues they have about this, i.e. frown, squinted eyes, etc. and what might make someone feel this way.

Set 2: Pictures are showing a child’s face and hands, for some additional clues about how they may be feeling. The student is asked to think about what the child in the picture may be feeling, based on the facial expression and hand gestures. 

Set 3: Pictures show children demonstrating various emotions through facial expressions AND body language. The student is asked to think about what the child in the picture may be feeling, based on the facial expression and body language. 

Included Please Find:

~30 Photo Activity Cards With Teacher Prompts

~Grayscale Version {Great For Supporting Generalization and Easy Printing}

~Animated PowerPoint Version {Great For Distance Learning}

Set 2: What Message Are They Sending?

These 30 PHOTO CARDS will help children practice the important perspective taking skill of understanding what message others are sending, based on their facial expressions and body language. 

Photos include:

Set 1: 10 Pictures: Focus Is On One Child's Facial Expressions

Set 2: 10 Pictures: Focus Is On One Child's Facial Expressions AND Some Body Language

Set 3: 10 Pictures: Focus Is On Two Or More Children's Facial Expressions AND Body Language

Included Please Find:

~30 Photo Activity Cards With Teacher Prompts

~Grayscale Version {Great For Supporting Generalization and Easy Printing}

~Animated PowerPoint Version {Great For Distance Learning}

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