I Can Be The Boss Of Me! | Social Skills Story and Activities | For K-2nd Grade
Do you have a student who is very bossy? This is a great story to read to the child who is bossy toward other children, for example, always telling them what to play, what to like, where to sit...
When a child engages in overly bossy behaviors, it can make other children very upset and can make it difficult for that child to make and keep friends.
This story helps the child advocate for him/herself while reminding them not to be bossy to others.
Social Skills Stories are a great way to teach children social skills that they are finding challenging. This story will help boys and girls, k-2nd grade or ability, better understand that they can be the boss of themselves, i.e. make some of their own decisions and choices, but the should not tell others what to do.
Included please find: 34 Pages
- Color Social Story {Great For Classroom Use}
- Coloring Book Companion {Black and White Version, Great For Generalization}
- Skill Builder Activity {Bossy or Buddy Behavior}
Individualize With:
- 1 Male Cover
- 1 Female Cover
- 1 Male End Page
- 1 Female End Page
❤️ Thank you page
Clip art credit
Teacher's Lounge Invitation {Free Weekly Social Skills Resources}