I Can Stop Blurting | Social Skills Story | For Girls 3rd-5th Grade

  • $3.00

SOCIAL STORIES are a great way to teach children important social skills that they may be struggling with. Social stories break down information into small, explicit steps so that children can more easily undertand what they should and should not do in a particular social situation. 

This story was written for the approximate age and or ability level of children 3rd-5th grade. This story is the same as my other 3-5 version for Boys and for Boys and Girls, but only has female pictures. 

The story helps children understand what blurting is and how and why to avoid doing it. Children gain a greater understanding of how to notice others and consider them, while talking and interacting with them.


Included, Please Find: 15 Pages

  • Social Story: In Color, Great For Classroom Use
  • Blurt Alert Visuals

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