PERSPECTIVE TAKING and PROBLEM SOLVING Activity | Comic Strip Style | Black and White Version For3rd-5th Grade

  • $3.99

This fun PERSPECTIVE TAKING and PROBLEM SOLVING activity, in the style of a comic strip, will get your students thinking about how behaviors affect other's thoughts and feelings. Students are asked to look at the first picture, listen to a short scenario and fill in the speech/thought bubbles.


Students are asked to come up with alternatives as well, getting them to problem solve and think more deeply about how actions affect others and how others feel about the people they are interacting with.


Included are directions for 3 Levels so that you may use this activity to meet the needs of many learners.


Editable comic strips and scenario cards allow you to be creative and individualize to your students as desired.


**This Is The Black And White Version**


Included Please Find: 50 Pages


  • Cover Page
  • Thank You
  • Directions/Material Preparation


15 Negative Scenario Comic Strips

15 Positive Scenario Comic Strips

3 Varieties of Make Your Own/Editable Comic Strips

Make Your Own/Editable Scenario Cards

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